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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “M.; Marín” ,找到相关结果约675573条。
Catalonia: Federalism or Secession?  [PDF]
Ramón Máiz, Nieves Lagares, María Pereira
Open Journal of Political Science (OJPS) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2018.84031
Abstract: Is there a political space for a possible federal accommodation of the demands of self-government in Catalonia and how is it configured? In order to answer these questions, we address first the conceptualization of federalism, and then, from an evolutionary perspective, we focus on the “Catalan issue” and its institutional outputs. The general assumption, in political and media discourse, namely, that “being in favour of the independence process”, “wanting to separate from Spain” and “being nationalist” constitute a single argument and mean exactly the same, has served to conceal a debate that is very complex, plural and full of nuances. We pose an analysis that pivots on the identity question and the type of political-territorial solution, the importance of the different leaderships in the process and the party identification with respect to the constructive nature of the political preferences of the electors and their positioning on the issues.
Caracterización morfológica de especies del género Passiflora de Colombia
Marín Tangarife Mónica María
Acta Agronómica , 2009,
Abstract: Se caracterizaron 21 especies de Passiflora las que incluyeron tres subgéneros, mediante 66 descriptores cuantitativos y 100 cualitativos. El análisis de componentes principales (ACP) de los descriptores cuantitativos identificó dos componentes con valor propio superior a 1, asociados con hoja y flor, los cuales explicaron 80% de la varianza total de las accesiones estudiadas. Con el análisis factorial de correspondencia múltiple (AFCM) de los descriptores cualitativos se identificaron tres dimensiones, que explicaron 82% de la varianza total; a la segunda se asociaron tipo de crecimiento, número de flores por nudo y color de la última serie de los filamentos en el ápice; a la tercera, forma y margen de la bráctea, margen de la bráctea; y a la primera las demás variables cualitativas. El análisis de agrupamiento (distancias de 'city-block-Manhattan') evidenció dos grandes grupos, según la longitud del hipantio -especies con flor de hipantio corto y largo-. El análisis de clasificación también mostró que la morfología floral fue determinante en la discriminación infragenérica en Passiflora.
La cobertura televisiva del fútbol en el Sur de Brasil y de Espa a: RBS – Canal Sur
Joaquín M. Marín Montín
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social , 2002,
Abstract: Este artículo constituye parte de un trabajo comparativo entre Brasil y Espa a, correspondiente al tratamiento que los medios de comunicación hacen del deporte. En él se analizan las claves que configuran el acercamiento a un mismo fenómeno sociológico, como es el fútbol, en dos realidades culturales diferentes. La programación deportiva de televisión llevada a cabo por Canal Sur en Andalucía y RBS en Rio Grande do Sul, así como la cobertura que ambas cadenas realizan en sus retransmisiones en directo del fútbol completan el análisis del presente estudio.ABSTRACTThis article is part of a comparative research between Brazil and Spain, about how the media treats the sports activities. Besides, this study analyses the keys of the same sociological phenomenon, which is football, in two different cultural realities. The broadcasting on television regarding sports events in Andalusia with Canal Sur, and Rio Grande do Sul with RBS. The live broadcasting of these channels completes the analysis of the present research.
Approximation to Confucianism’s influence in the Korean Corporation Culture ?is it the key to understand the Korean “miracle”?
Catherine Márquez Marín
- , 2016,
Abstract: This article aims to present an approximation to Confucianism’s influence in the successful economic development of the Republic of Korea. First, a brief review about Confucianism, its values and characteristics is held. After that, an analysis is made regarding, how those values influence the Korean corporation culture, from its organizational structure to the relationship between employees and superiors. Lastly, it is intended to show if the impressive development of Korea is due to those set of taught values
A Comparative Study on the Structural and Vibrational Properties of Two Potential Antimicrobial and Anticancer Cyanopyridine Derivatives  [PDF]
María J. Márquez, María B. Márquez, Pablo G. Cataldo, Silvia A. Brandán
Open Journal of Synthesis Theory and Applications (OJSTA) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ojsta.2015.41001
Abstract: 2-Hydroxy-4,6-dimethylpyridine-3-carbonitrile and 2-chloro-4,6-dimethylpyridine-3-carbonitrile compounds have been studied from a theoretical point of view in order to know their structural and vibrational properties in gas and aqueous solution phases by means of Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The stable structures in both media were optimized by using the hybrid B3LYP/6-31G* method and the solvent effects in aqueous solution were studied by using the integral equation formalism of the polarizable continuum model (IEFPCM) employing the selfconsistent reaction field (SCRF) method. Detailed vibrational analyses for both compounds in the two phases were performed combining the DFT calculations with Pulay’s Scaled Quantum Mechanics Force Field (SQMFF) methodology. The different interactions for both compounds were analyzed by means of the bond orders, atomic charges, solvation energies, dipole moments, molecular electrostatic potentials and force constants parameters. The nature of the interactions was studied by using different descriptors.
Opciones de cobertura para defectos en codo Coverage options for elbow defects
R. Graciano,M. Marín,M. Londinsky
Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana , 2012,
Abstract: La región del codo es un área anatómica de atención frecuente para el cirujano plástico, tanto en situaciones en las que una cicatriz limita la movilidad del miembro superior, como cuando un defecto de cobertura supone la exposición de elementos nobles. Los procedimientos a considerar para la cobertura de defectos de tejidos blandos en esta zona son los injertos, colgajos locales, regionales, libres y a distancia. Presentamos una serie de 9 casos clínicos intervenidos quirúrgicamente en el periodo comprendido entre enero del 2004 y mayo del 2006, con un seguimiento promedio de 2 a os. The elbow region is an anatomical area of frequent attention to the plastic surgeon, in situations where a scar may limits upper limb mobility, as when a defect of coverage involves exposing of noble elements. The procedures to be considered for coverage of soft tissue defects in this area are: grafts, local, regional, distant and free flaps. We present a series of 9 clinical cases operated on in the period between January 2004 and May 2006, with a mean follow up of 2 years.
Using Piezocone Dissipation Test to Estimate the Undrained Shear Strength (su), Nkt and NΔu Factors in Cohesive Soils  [PDF]
Dante René Bosch, Rubén Rafael Sotelo, Fernando María Mántaras
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2019.78007
The current practice of geotechnical engineering commonly uses a combination of theoretical and empirical correlations to estimate the soil undrained shear strength in clays from the piezocone test. In order to complement the use of such correlations, the application of a method to estimate the soil undrained shear strength, using measures of the excess pore pressure in dissipation tests of piezocone is presented. In cohesive soils, excess pore pressure and undrained shear strength are dependent on the same variables (stress state, stress history, soil stiffness), which allows them to be related by the theoretical cavity expansion-critical state framework. This paper mentions the mathematical formulation that supports the theoretical framework used, its relationship with the Nkt and NΔu factors and their estimation in a case studied. The results obtained are consistent within the dispersion found in the international literature and encourage the use of the method in engineering practice.
Cosmological Duality in Four Time and Four Space Dimensions  [PDF]
M. Medina, J. A. Nieto, P. A. Nieto-Marín
Journal of Modern Physics (JMP) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2021.127064
Abstract: We describe a duality transformation in a cosmological model of four time and four space dimensions ((4 + 4)-dimensions). In particular, we show that via the Fourier transform, at the level of the zero-point energy of quantum mechanics and the de Sitter space, a Gaussian distribution in four dimensions leads to a dual Gaussian distribution also in four dimensions, with duality transformation \"\", in the standard deviation σ. Moreover, we show that as a consequence of such a duality in σ a duality of the cosmological constant Λ can be obtained. Finally, we comment on the possibility that both the oriented matroid theory as well as the surreal number theory are related to the formalism presented in this work.
Endoscopic Sphinterotomy in Patients with Mild Acute Biliary Pancreatitis, in Situ Gallbladder and Alithiasic Bile Duct: Is It Justified?  [PDF]
Mario Anselmi Méndez, Ana María Gemmato Pascazi, Julio Salgado Oyarzún, Maritza Flores Opazo
Open Journal of Gastroenterology (OJGas) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojgas.2021.117013
Abstract: Objective: To compare the long-term results of the treatment of mild acute biliary pancreatitis in patients with gallbladder in situ, without stones in the bile duct, treated by cholecystectomy, and endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) versus simple cholecystectomy in the prevention of recurrence of this pathology. Material and Methods: Between May 2008 and December 2012, 110 consecutive patients with a mild acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP) were prospectively studied. None had undergone cholecystectomy, and choledocholithiasis was ruled out by ERCP. Two groups of patients were created and randomized: Group I (n = 55) who underwent ERCP plus ES and Group II (n = 55) only had diagnostic ERCP. Patients were then referred for cholecystectomy. Follow up was completed in 101 patients. Group I was made up of 53 patients and Group II had 48 similar characteristics. Patients were followed for an average of 105 months. At the end of the follow-up, 12 (22.6%) from Group I and 6 (12.5%) from Group II (p = 0.143) remained with the gallbladder in situ. Results: There were 53 patients in Group I (100%). Only 42 (87.5%) of those in Group II evolved without biliopancreatic complications (p = 0.0096). In the latter, 6 (12.5%) were complicated, and 5 had not had cholecystectomy. In Group I patients, there was no recurrence of acute biliary pancreatitis, but this was seen in 4 cases (8.4%) in Group II (p = 0.0476). Group I also had 2 cases of biliary colic (4.2%) and 2 cases of obstructive jaundice (4.2%). Conclusions : The risk of recurrence is significant in patients with mild acute biliary pancreatitis, without bile duct stones, and
Optimal Use of Conservation and Accessibility Filters in MicroRNA Target Prediction
Ray M. Marín, Ji?í Vaní?ek
PLOS ONE , 2012, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032208
Abstract: It is generally accepted that filtering microRNA (miRNA) target predictions by conservation or by accessibility can reduce the false discovery rate. However, these two strategies are usually not exploited in a combined and flexible manner. Here, we introduce PACCMIT, a flexible method that filters miRNA binding sites by their conservation, accessibility, or both. The improvement in performance obtained with each of these three filters is demonstrated on the prediction of targets for both i) highly and ii) weakly conserved miRNAs, i.e., in two scenarios in which the miRNA-target interactions are subjected to different evolutionary pressures. We show that in the first scenario conservation is a better filter than accessibility (as both sensitivity and precision are higher among the top predictions) and that the combined filter improves performance of PACCMIT even further. In the second scenario, on the other hand, the accessibility filter performs better than both the conservation and combined filters, suggesting that the site conservation is not equally effective in rejecting false positive predictions for all miRNAs. Regarding the quality of the ranking criterion proposed by Robins and Press and used in PACCMIT, it is shown that top ranking interactions correspond to more downregulated proteins than do the lower ranking interactions. Comparison with several other target prediction algorithms shows that the ranking of predictions provided by PACCMIT is at least as good as the ranking generated by other conservation-based methods and considerably better than the energy-based ranking used in other accessibility-based methods.

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